At the beginning of time, nothing existed except the 2 primordial realms. One was called Muspelhiem, the realm of fire, and the other one was Niflheim, the realm of ice. In between of them was only chaos, the void of nothing.
But slowly, heat rose from the fire realm, which melted some ice from the ice realm and it met at the void in the center. It rose and froze again, forming a primordial mixture of chaos known as Ginnungagap. From this mixture came the first of the frost giants: Ymir (pronounced ee-meer). He drank milk from a cow, Audhumla.
Audhumla licked the ice of Niflheim, and the first god Buri came into existence. Ymir slept for a long time, and while he slept, creatures came out of his body parts, who would later become the ancestors of the gods, like dwarves, elves, spirits, etc., But mostly giants of every kind: fire giants, frost giants, rock giants, and mountain giants. Ymir then became the king of the frost giants.
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